Thursday, May 3, 2012

Last day of 32

Today is the last day I will be 32. Another year in the books. Not a terrible year. Had a lot of great times. Made new friends. Finished the first year of nursing school. Yay me! Now to take those pesky boards.
All in all a pretty great year. Thanks to those who helped make it Fabu!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Can Can Can

Starting today I will maintain the frame of mind that I CAN. No more I can'ts. I can finish all my projects. I can pass all my classes. I can lose all this weight. I can be better than anyone ever imagined!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Best Time of Year to Live in Kentucky

It's Derby Time!

I think part I the reason I love Derby is because it is my birthday too. They go hand in hand since my parties growing up were Derby parties.

I love all the activities. I love the fanfare. I miss the old days of several chow wagons. We always went every year when there were more choices. But now it is just on the waterfront. I understand wanting the river as a backdrop but convenience also should be considered.
The ballon glow is beautiful no matter where it is. But after last years fiasco at Bowman Field I think moving back to KFEC was a fantastic move.
The parade reminds me of high school because we always got out early that day since the parade was on Broadway and we would have been trapped.

Lots of partying. That's what comes to mind when people talk Derby here. Oaks Day is for the locals to get to the track. That's our day. But Derby Day is time for parties for us. Some people go all out with themes and such. Others just want to see their friends and hang out.

What a great time to be in Louisville!

Monday, May 31, 2010

As Summer Begins

Today is Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer. School is over for Hunter. He is already in Florida for the week. Boo. Sad Face :( Yesterday we took the annual trip to Casey county to visit the graves of my father in laws relatives. Hot yucky day. But it means a lot to Kendall that we go so I guess that makes it ok!

Our summer is blank. Well kinda. No vacation for us. I am starting school in four days. Kinda nervous. We still have baseball games and maybe even a baseball camp if we can find one. SO it looks like we will have lots of pool and zoo time. And that is fine by me. I just really miss the beach. I miss the sand between my toes. I miss the smell of the ocean. The blue skies and afternoon storms. I miss getting away! But this year is not the year I suppose. Instead we will be home and take lots of pictures. Pictures of Hunter and Karli doing their fun things that they do! Maybe we will come up with a project or two for the house. Always room for improvement.

And as for the meaning of today. Today we remember all those who have or are still serving our country. Thank you all for the sacrifices you have made and the bravery you have shown. Thank you to all those men and women. Our freedom is a gift from you and so very appreciated. Thank you over and over again.